Nti jewelcase maker keygen


    Nti jewelcase maker keygen

    NTI JewelCase Maker. "Make your CD and DVD labels and booklets with LightScribe or LabelFlash. Written By Philippe. We all know the label-maker programs from the early CD days. Nowadays there are some innovations that get incorporated into NTI JewelCase Maker. New technologies like LightScribe and LabelFlash permit us to create stunning disc labels directly printed on the discs, no more playing around with stickers and risking your label peels off after a while. With the right disks you will be able to not only burn your CDs or DVDs, but after flipping over the disc, you can print your label, including high quality images directly on the dye side. Of course the NTI JewelCase Maker software also offers the traditional functions related to this type of programs. The JewelCase can contain a booklet, an insert and a back. There are templates offered for all sizes of discs, you only have to select the pictures and enter the texts you need. This last one can even be an automatic generated file listing, what is nice in case of an audio CD. Free Download Score.